YabukiBreezeTV is Online
FamilyNews, ISI Other
We have added a new way of staying in touch with you all. We have started a internet TV station… not really… Actually using a company called KyteTV we are able to send video shows, clips, pictures, etc. directly from our camera, computer, camera phone, etc. to the kyte tv site so you can see it almost immediately as it happens. That way, if we see something cool that happens or want to interview a student as something happens, etc. we can share it with you immediately and you can rejoice and/or pray with us.
The cool thing is you can subscribe to this using RSS or other means so that when a new video comes out, you can check it out on your computer… There is even a player that allows you to see it and share it with your friends on your phone (for all you tech gadget lovers)
We have actually set up three different channels for our three audiences… As a Yabukibreeze subscriber, you are welcome to see each of them.
- http://www.kyte.tv/yabukibreeze – the Yabukibreeze channel with stuff you might be interested in.
- http://www.kyte.tv/isidfw – Videos that our students can access
- http://www.kyte.tv/ryabuki – Some fun family (and random) videos
You can subscribe to these on these pages using an RSS feed which I believe allows you to set these up as a video podcast.