Yabuki Breeze Blog

Sharing Christ's Love with International Students in North Texas

The Hardest Part but also the Most Gratifying


One of the hardest part of being a part of the lives of international students and ministry partners is that they have to eventually go home or at least move on. We have had so many examples where we invest heavily in a student or ministry partner and right after that training, or shortly after graduation, they have to go home. In many ways, this is what we are all about and we have a great sense if accomplishment as these special students and ministry partners leave, but it is not easy. Sometimes, our heartache is such that we almost feel like we don’t want to go through that trauma again and we have to fight to “get back on the horse” and start a new relationship with a new student or ministry partner.

This semester was no exception. Joy a pre-med student from Korea, is a good example. From the beginning she was involved in the lives of international students as a leader and friend. She came with a passion for God and ministry and she leaves as a strong Christian leader who will make a difference in Korea when she goes home (the gratifying part) for Med school but also as a leader in her church, bringing our prayer and small group model back with her.

On the ministry partner side, Matt, our intern and my friend at TCU is another example. After building our TCU ministry to get to critical mass in just one year, he is off with his family this month to minister long term overseas, taking many of the things learned in “planting” our TCU ministry to plan chruches in place where he is going.

There are countless others in the last 18 years that we have done what we do. They are all over the world doing wonderful things for God. We miss them all and it is hard not insulating ourselves from the next group. Just a few days ago, our ministry mentors, sent pictures students and their families we helped minister to nearly 20 years ago and our our heart still jumps a beat when we see them and their families… and yet we have learned to move on… It is really hard yet gratifying especially seeing what many of them become.

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