Yabuki Breeze Blog

Sharing Christ's Love with International Students in North Texas

Welcoming New Students


The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of preparing for school, both with international students but also with OUR new students (J-12, & C5 are going to new schools & T-8 is going to 3rd grade). It has been incredibly fun to meet new students at the various different campuses. This year I …

J-11 becomes J-12


Our oldest son, J-11 turned 12 in August. We all celebrated with a trip to the fun center and a party with his best friend Jacob. He also completed his first class rank for scouts at his Court of Honor and we featured in his summer camp video. Good job son!

Kids Update Spring 2007


Here is a quick update on some things that have happened to J-10, T-6 and C-4 the last couple of months. To see more family pictures from the last few years click here.

July 4 Parties


Yesterday was a good day with our international students though Lisa and I found ourselves split between two ministry sites for the second time in two weeks. Fourth of July is one time where we can share our culture with our international friends and they seem to enjoy it a lot. UTA July 4 Party …

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